Respect Boroondara nurses

Respect Boroondara nurses

image of Respect Boroondara nurses

City of Boroondara’s maternal and child health nurses and immunisation nurses provide a critical frontline health service to local families.

Their union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) is negotiating their wages and conditions with the Council.

The Council has rejected a fair pay rise and improved conditions that will retain this highly-skilled workforce. Nurses are taking protected industrial action because the council does not understand the clinical and complex nature of their work.

After working tirelessly on the frontline with families during the pandemic, maternal and child health and immunisation nurses feel undervalued and disrespected by City of Boroondara council.

Enough is enough.

City of Boroondara’s maternal and child health nurses and immunisation nurses provide a critical frontline health service to local families.

Their union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) is negotiating their wages and conditions with the Council.

The Council has rejected a fair pay rise and improved conditions that will retain this highly-skilled workforce. Nurses are taking protected industrial action because the council does not understand the clinical and complex nature of their work.

After working tirelessly on the frontline with families during the pandemic, maternal and child health and immunisation nurses feel undervalued and disrespected by City of Boroondara council.

Enough is enough.

Email City of Boroondara CEO

Boroondara maternal and child health nurses and immunisation nurses have a critical role in the health and welfare of parents and their babies and children.

Email the City of Boroondara CEO, Phillip Storer, to let him know the community respects their nurses and so should the council.

The Boroondara Mayor and Deputy Mayor will also receive a copy of your email.

Where do you live?

Compose your email

Email Tips +

Email tips

  1. We have provided a suggested email, but this campaign will be far more effective if you write your own email or personalise it by adding your own experience. 
  2. Be respectful.
  3. Don’t be personal, instead talk about the issues.
  4. Keep it short and to the point.
  5. Let them know if you are a City of Boroondara resident/ ratepayer.
  6. If you are a City of Boroondara maternal and child health nurse or an immunisation nurse write about your work and how you are feeling about the current wages offer. Talk about why the fifth week of annual leave matters to you. Remember, writing to your employer is legal and part of your protected industrial action. ANMF has your back. If you have any concerns, contact the ANMF. 
  7. If you are a parent or carer who uses the Boroondara maternal and child health and immunisation services talk about what the nurses mean to you and the care you receive and why a respectful wage increase is important.
  8. If you are a member of the community talk about what it means to be an employer with integrity and what it means to respect the nurses who provide an essential frontline and preventative health service to young families.